Employee Productivity
Employee Monitoring Software with Powerful Insider Threat Detection and Productivity Analysis Features
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Optimize Workforce Productivity
As the business space becomes more competitive, the pressure on management teams to improve and optimize employee productivity is intensifying. Often, management is faced with the following questions:
How productive are my employees?
Do I have a few under-performing employees, or is the whole organization infected?
Are my remote resources properly utilized?
Do my employees completely understand what’s expected of them?
How can I make sure that my team is engaged and motivated?

StaffCop Employee Productivity Tools Go Beyond Monitoring and Basic Time Tracking
StaffCop employs a data-centric approach to employee productivity. It captures virtually all types of user activity and behavior data and utilizes it to review and evaluate user productivity. StaffCop numerous analytics tools allow for a proper analysis of data collected, thereby enabling management to understand and take steps to improve employee productivity.
The solution provides an enterprise-wide oversight with productivity, performance, and security KPIs for all uses on a single, intuitive dashboard. And allows you to gauge your employee's engagement with its Productive, Unproductive, Active, and idle time tracking property.
The integrated schedule and task management lessen administrative headache while the automated rules enforce company policy and decrease unproductive behavior. StaffCop workforce optimization tools also allow you to easily track project costs and eliminate waste for not just regular employees but external consultants, remote employees, and freelance contractors.
Besides tracking employee productivity, these tools defend your organization from theft, sabotage, and other malicious user activity with built-in insider threat detection and data loss prevention features.
Real-Time Employee Monitoring
StaffCop allows companies to monitor all their employee activity for system objects like websites, applications, social media, IMs. Searches etc., in real-time for Windows, Mac, Virtual PCs, and Terminal Server.
Productivity Analysis
StaffCop provides in-depth reports on how employees and departments spend their time and helps executives identify high-performing employees and those who need improvement.

Time Tracking
This software solution allows you to monitor work time, sessions, and activity levels to determine when users are most productive.
Task Management
Task management involves enabling employees to organize their tasks and tracking them as they switch between different tasks. It also entails creating tasks that get tasks that get assigned automatically based on the user's application/website usage
Automated Behavior Rules
These behavior rules limit the use of unproductive applications and websites or send automated notices to alert you about excessive idle time, decreased employee productivity. They are also used to design monitoring profiles for individual users, groups, or departments.
Expenses Tracking
StaffCop allows you to manage your employees' schedules, tracks idle time, attendance, breaks, sick leaves, late shifts, absence, etc. And monitor work time, sessions, and activity level to see when your employees are most productive.
Continuous Process Improvement
Fine-tune your organizational workflow through tracking of schedules, projects, the employee engagement rate for overall productivity boost with StaffCop’s continuous feedback platform.
Active Directory Integration
With an active directory LDAP, you can import employees, departments, computers, and groups to accelerate enrolling into StaffCop’s employee monitoring and productivity optimization solution.
Industry Statistics Prove the
Need for Employee Monitoring
A large amount of employees waste time at work
According to a new survey of 2063 adults conducted by GetVOIP, 80.4% of people waste time at the office.
80%+  of Employees Waste Time at Work
Personal use of the web & email lowers productivity
64% of employees use non-work-related websites, and 85% use email for personal reasons daily, says FinancesOnline.
64% Browse Unproductive Sites
85% Use Email for Personal Tasks
American employees are disengaged at work
A study by Gallup revealed that less than one-third, or 31.5%, of employees in the U.S. report being "engaged" at the office.
52% of Businesses Agree Employees are Biggest Risk
Major part of employees spends time at work unproductively
According to the Community Emergency Response Team, the main reasons for insider caused incidents are collusion from employees and third-parties.
64% Browse Unproductive Sites
StaffCop is a Feature-Rich Employee Monitoring Solution with Tangible Business Benefits
Increase Employee Productivity
StaffCop monitor employee activity throughout the day, then collect data to produce detailed metrics, such as:
How productive are my employees?
Minute-to-minute trend graphs describing how much time is spent on specific projects.
Prioritize crucial projects and ensure your team is focused on them.
Leverage the various productivity reports to track progress and adjust tasks to make sure you meet your productivity goals.
Enhance Security and Prevent Insider Threats
StaffCop identifies high-risk behavior, applies advanced behavior-based rules to automatically detect when users violate the rules, employs sophisticated anomaly detection to determine user activity outside the normal behavior, and takes action to prevent escalation of threats.
Reduce Administrative Overhead
StaffCop’s built-in features automate and optimize many repetitive yet essential administrative tasks. For instance, StaffCop allows you to:
Develop schedules and automatically monitor attendance, breaks, sick hours, late shifts, absence, etc.
Track the time, performance, and cost of projects with contractors and hourly employees, decreasing the need for manual invoicing and oversight.
Cut down project supervision by automatically identifying tasks based on employee apps and web usage.
Increase Employee Engagement
StaffCop allows you to develop your own KPIs and metrics to measure employee engagement: how many hours are your employees active? Are they spending too much time on social media because they are not challenged? Are they getting buried under email?

You can keep an eye on employee performance over time and see if they are on a decreasing trend. Determine the cause of disengagement and then systematically table them. For instance:
Address communication issues by identifying which methods works best for your employees (i.e. email/phone/IM).
By automatically identifying high performing vs. laggards, you can reduce time spent on developing performance reviews.
Leveraging user behavior and activity to provide continuous, automated feedback.
Identify Process Gaps
Not only can you carry out gap analysis and process improvement at individual and team levels by identifying skill gaps, overlap in duties and responsibilities, conflicting goals and accountability, etc. With StaffCop’s advanced OCR and content-based rules, you can also automatically analyze the emotional context in email, IM, and social media conversations. As an example, the rules can help you determine if a talented software developer of your team is consistently engaging in poor client communications. If that is the case, you can quickly transfer the person to a position that is less customer-facing, maximizing the developer’s strengths while also protecting the reputation of the company.
Minimize Waste and
Reduce Cost
With StaffCop, you can effectively track your employee's active and idle time and easily send automated notifications to excessively idle employees. The payroll reports and activity category breakdown allows you to have a precise estimate of how much time the completion of each task requires and set your team’s deliverables accordingly, reducing slack times and overtime hours. Using the software’s device monitoring feature, you can enforce policies like setting a limit on printers to reduce paper and ink waste.
Design Better Management and HR Policies
By identifying high-risk behavior, detecting employee violation and user activity outside the normal behavior, and taking appropriate actions, StaffCop helps to develop better management and human resource policies.
Need a More
Comprehensive Solution?
Information Security
Receive the required data “on the fly”. Search by keywords and regular expressions. Record sound from microphones to hear what was happening at the moment of interest.
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Remote Administration
View remote desktop without being notices. Take control over a workstation. Full picture of software and hardware usage. Intensity of usage and registry of states.
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Employee Monitoring
Categorize applications and web-sites into productive and unproductive. Set up different configurations for particular users, groups and departments. Compare results.
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Flexible Deployment Options
Bare Metal
Install on bare metal from our ISO image containing Ubuntu 18.04 and StaffCop or install StaffCop packages on existing Ubuntu 18.04.
Virtual Machine
Install on any OS as a virtual machine from our ISO image, use Virtual Box, VMWare, Hyper-V or any other virtualization system. Easy administrating without risking the host machine.
Private Cloud
Use your own secure, scalable private cloud implementation including AWS, Google Cloud, Azure and more
92% of companies detect serious violations when testing StaffCop
Feature-rich, affordable with monthly and annual licensin goptions
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